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Every creative project — whether a printed piece, social post, website, public relations, advertising or direct mail campaign — starts with a solid strategy and ends with a project that meets the objectives.

Efficieny Maine

Client: Efficiency Maine Business Incentive Program


Overview: While working with Efficiency Maine (EM), we have worked on numerous programs designed to make homes and businesses in Maine more energy efficient. We have designed varied materials including postcards, case studies, forms, websites/web sliders, brochures, rack cards and advertising.


  • We support EM’s Qualified Partners with materials and a dedicated website.

  • We foster interest in programs such as Maine Advanced Buildings, midstream markdowns and the new boiler initiative.

  • And we promote incentives for energy-efficient equipment and projects.


Goals:  To drive consumers/businesses to contact Efficiency Maine or a Qualified Partner to find out about incentives, measures such as ductless mini-split heat pumps and LEDs, and energy-saving programs.

Maine Summer Camps

Client: Maine Summer Camps


Overview: KDK has designed and developed all of Maine Summer Camps’ (MSC) marketing/advertising materials such as print and digital retargeted ads, camp booklets and brochures/leave-behinds. We also support the Junior Maine Guide Program -- a joint effort of Maine Summer Camps and the Maine State Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife.


We wrote and designed the Junior Maine Guide website and recently designed and developed a brand new website for MSC with a cutting edge Expedia-like camp search tool.


Goals:  To support Maine’s many member summer camps (125+) while helping families find the ideal Maine camp for their child(ren) through web searches, advertising and social media.

Maine Justice

Client: Maine Justice Foundation


Overview: KDK has worked with Maine Justice Foundation (MJF) through a name change, from Maine Bar Foundation, with a complete brand overall including all materials and a new website. In addition to designing brochures, annual reports, e-card templates and a trade show display, KDK manages MJF’s public relations and social media presences, as well as all web maintenance and updates. KDK also supports sub-programs of MJF such as the Maine Bar Fellows, the LGBT Justice Fund and the Maine Justice Action Group.


Goals: Help promote MJF so they can fulfill their mission to ensure access to civil justice for low-income and vulnerable Mainers by providing charitable investment opportunities to individuals, families and organizations as well as grants to support civil legal aid and other related initiatives, education and services.

Catherine Morrill

Client: Catherine Morrill Day Nursery


Overview: KDK has designed a new logo and website for Catherine Morrill Day Nursery (CMDN), as well as shooting all new, professional photography, and managing their social media and ongoing web maintenance and updates.


Goals: At nearly 100 years old, CMDN realized it was time to update their brand and provide easily accessible information for families, in spite of having an ongoing waitlist. In addition, CMDN wishes to engage families and alumni interested in not only sending their kids to CMDN, but also supporting this long-standing, community treasure.

Camp Alsing

Client: Camp Alsing


Overview: When Camp Alsing came to KDK, they were a brand new start-up emerging on the Maine summer camp scene. We have concepted, designed and written multiple marketing materials including print and digital ads, brochures and posters and outreach to medical personnel. We also aid in ongoing outreach via e-cards, social media and web edits and maintenance.


Goals: Camp Alsing is a traditional co-ed residential summer camp for children with High-Functioning Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome or other social communication challenges. With limited summer sleep-away camp options for this highly-specific audience, KDK is tasked with helping families find and learn about the Camp Alsing option for their child(ren).


Client: Natural Resources Council of Maine (NRCM)


Overview: KDK has worked with NRCM over the last few years on a wide variety of marketing/branding initiatives. These include a brand/communications audit and survey of members that resulted in a complete overhaul of graphic standards and outreach materials. This effort included templates for brochures/e-cards to be designed in-house, as well as design of digital ads, a calendar, and a recent Capital Campaign case statement.


Goals: With multiple internal programs and an aging group of supporters, it was time to streamline and update NRCM’s messaging and overall look and feel to help unite the overall mission to protect Maine’s environment and appeal to a broader audience.


Client: GHM Insurance Agency


Overview:  Create a new brand persona for GHM Insurance Agency and some of its offshoots, by creating logos, a tagline, print ads, handouts and a new website.


Goals: To completely rebrand/update the brand persona in order to help GHM compete in a crowded insurance market by looking modern and cutting-edge, while leaning on its history and long-term stability.

Kingsley Pines

Client: Kingsley Pines


Overview: KDK works with Kingsley pines on its outreach materials including videos, native advertising, digital ads, Google Adwords, web design and updates, e-cards and postcards.


Goals: Maine is chockful of summer camps all competing for kids in a crowded market. We strive to set Kingsley Pines apart from its competitors by highlighting its authenticity, safety and just plain old fun. We also conduct outreach to farther away markets such as Florida, to help families learn about and consider a camp in Maine.


Medical Care


Client: Medical Care Development (MCD) Corporate


Overview: KDK concepts, writes and designs corporate outreach materials such as a Corporate Overview Folder and Annual Reports.


Goals: To increase the professional presence of this $30 million non-governmental organization, to improve MCD’s competitive positioning for large national and international grants and individual support.

Maine Windjammer

Client: The Maine Windjammer Association (MWA)


Overview: KDK designed a new logo, tagline, stationery package, online banner ads for MWA. We also set-up and planned their social media and public relations outreach and created a cutting-edge website with a Content Management System, and an “Expedia-like” database to help guests choose their cruise.


Goals: To increase reservations for the 8-boat fleet, or as the captains say, “Put 'butts in boats,'” by updating the look and web functionality highlighting this spectacular fleet of schooners. The Maine Windjammer’s brand persona and web presence were as outdated as the historical vessels that it is comprised of. The Association’s brand didn’t adequately portray the great beauty and majesty of the fleet and needed a complete overhaul to bring them up to date and help entice the next generation of guests.

One Stop

Client: One Stop Event Rentals


Overview: KDK created a new brand persona for the former One Stop Party Shoppe, including a new name, logo, tagline, signage, truck wraps, print ads and new website.


Goals: When One Stop Party Shoppe approached KDK, they had a very out-of-date, almost “campy” name, look and feel. They needed a complete brand overhaul to match their capabilities and quality to their look and feel and to help them compete in the high-end wedding rental market.

MCD Public Health

Client: MCD Public Health (Gonorrhea Education Campaign)


Overview: After a significant outbreak of Gonorrhea, we created info cards, posters, bar coasters, an online campaign (Google AdWords and Facebook) and a web landing page in concert with Maine’s Department of Health and Human Services.


Goals: To educate women 20-29 (primarily) and men (secondarily) in the Lewiston area about the symptoms of Gonorrhea and encourage those who have had unprotected sex to get screened.


There had been a 314 percent increase in gonorrhea cases in the Lewiston area, prompting the public health education campaign. Within the limited geography, our campaign was extremely successful: Each Facebook ad garnered over 85,000 impressions, but more importantly, was seen an average of 5.4 times by our target audience. Following our campaign, reported cases of gonorrhea in Androscoggin County dropped by more than 50 percent! The program continued to be so successful that materials have been reprinted twice.

City of Portland
Portland of Opportunity

Client: City of Portland, Office of Economic Opportunity


Overview: Working with the City of Portland, KDK developed a curriculum for ESOL (English to Speakers of Other Languages) students taking classes through Portland Adult Education to address issues around parking motor vehicles with the city. The curriculum included three modules – Parking Tickets, Getting Booted and Getting Towed. Each module contained teacher instructions, an animated video, supporting course materials and a quiz. Portland is home to a number of immigrants and refugees. Helping new Mainers better understand rules around the practical activities of daily life is an important step in their education. These first modules represent a pilot project. If successful, future modules may be developed around employment – interviewing, accepting a job offer, expectations on the job – and preparing for winter in Maine – dressing for winter, walking on snow and ice, heating the house/apartment, etc.

Goals: To create a curriculum that ESOL instructors can easily incorporate into their current course work that is representative of and useful for the immigrant populations living and working in Portland. To ensure success, we worked with educators and local immigrant leaders to create a final product that would be effective and successful in navigating the complexities of parking in Portland.


Client: Portland International Jetport (PWM)


Overview: KDK has worked with PWM to encourage Maine travelers, both business and pleasure, to fly out of Portland. These campaigns have included TV ads, radio spots, and print and digital ads. We also supported PWM with banners, posters and trade show components.

In addition to the traveling audience, we also worked with PWM to create an in-house, employee encouragement campaign to ensure that the internal audience experience was as positive as the external persona we hoped to convey.


Goals: To encourage travelers to fly out of Portland (PWM) instead of traveling to Boston. In spite of more than 13 non-stop flights per day and a ticket price of nearly 10% less than flying from Boston, Maine travelers were continuing to drive (or take bus/train) to Boston to fly direct into other hubs such as New York, Washington DC and Philadelphia. Our business and pleasure campaigns were aimed at changing the old mindset that Boston is cheaper and/or easier than Portland – when in truth it was quite the contrary.


Client: Azerbaijan Society of Maine (ASM)


Overview: From developing an organizational brand and logo to creating event brochures, flyers and banners to creating a series of educational videos in 10 languages, KDK has played a pivotal role in supporting this organization’s role in serving the Azerbaijani diaspora in Maine as well as its efforts to educate all refugee and immigrant communities within the state on vital health issues. Our efforts included creating materials to promote and celebrate Azerbaijan culture and heritage in Maine, and using our communications skills to support ASM’s broader work in promoting economic diversity, workforce development and cross-cultural educational exchange.


Goals: To create strong visual images that can both stand alone in conveying a message and, yet, support text in a range of different languages.


Client: New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA)


Overview: KDK has worked with NYSERDA to help market their Small Business Energy Audit Program. KDK provided NYSERDA with strategic marketing plans and all accompanying materials, including flyers and industry-specific postcards and outreach mailings.


Goals: To support the “boots-on-the-ground” energy engineers tasked with selling the NYSERDA program to NY’s small businesses. We provided materials to generate interest in and lend credibility to the program to help open doors for NYSERDA’s field staff.


Samples of Logos/Brands Created

Overview: KDK has created or updated many of the iconic logos and brands that you see all over Maine and beyond.

© 2018 KDK Consulting Group LLC |  340 Eastern Promenade, #257, Portland, ME 04101  |  (207) 838-0725

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